Sometimes you go all the way around to realize you had it at the start.
I’ve long been obsessed with producing things at high quality—the highest quality possible. This has served me well, and is certainly an overhang from a lot of years working professionally in music & entertainment. It matters.
But some things are “good enough” as well, and that’s what I decided to share more publicly this year in hopes of blessing you all with a more peaceful Advent season in preparation for Christmas, as well as offer this as a thank you for your generosity over the years. The CASSIA & MYRRH advent demo album, Nativity:
That’s the story for this. I recorded and produced the first two tracks many years ago, when I was very sick with chronic health issues, working on an old Macbook with the circling rainbow of death every time I tried to use the machine, and a mic that cost me $60 and had suffered a few drops on its way with me across Canada and down to California.
But beauty shines through our imperfect means and our work is not meaningless. I do wish I could have done these originally at a higher quality, but there is no redoing them. It was a complex, layered recording process that took me forever and I can’t imagine there is enough life left to do it again. I may do these songs another time in a different way, but these demo tracks deserve their own moment as they are for those who will love them.
The other two are simple demos worth sharing.
As soon as my distributor gets them up you’ll be able to stream them wherever you stream normally do. Here is the main link, including the Spotify save link:
And you can download the whole album free here!—with a bonus track that won’t be more public on streaming cut as it’s not a Catholic song, but I wanted those here to have it:
Download now. It should work with one click.
Feel free to share this Substack post with anyone and everyone you think needs some Advent peace this year. Blessed Advent!
Thank you for this! Merry Christmas